Monday, October 18, 2010

Funny Things Maddie Says...

Maddie has been saying such cute things lately, and I just don't want to forget them! Here are some of them...

*A few days after reading Madison the story of Goliath, we were doing laundry in the apartment laundry room when a tall tattooed guy with a mo hawk walked in to do his laundry. Maddie loudly said, "Mommy, it's Goliath!" (She repeated this over and over :). The guy just laughed...not sure if he was familiar with the Bible story of Goliath. Hmmm....

*When she wants to do something on her own (which is just about everything), she says, "I obey Mommy". I love it that she knows that she needs to obey me, but she's just using it to get her way!

*Every once and a while she just starts counting to 10 or singing "Jesus Loves Me" or the "ABC's". I love hearing her sweet little voice!

*When we were outside splashing in puddles the other day, she asked the puddle, "Do you want tea or hot chocolate?" (since it was cold). Then she wanted to give the puddle a hug goodnight when it was time to go in.

*She loves her little Story Bible, and looks at it all the time. She often asks for, "the happy daddy story" (She's referring to the story of the prodigal son. The book shows a picture of the dad running to meet and forgive his son). By the way, In my emotional pregnancy state, this made me tear up....hee hee!

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