Friday, August 12, 2011

Madison's Birthday Party was a Hoot!

Madison's birthday is July 16, and we had her party on July 23. I'm a bit behind on blogging (we have been traveling), but here are all the photos from it. I'm posting a lot of images so the family that wasn't able to make it can get the full picture. So, here it goes:

Our birthday girl turned three!!
Maddie is really into owls, so we had an owl-themed birthday party. I made this sign to decorate, and now it's in her room.
Here's the drink table.
The kids started out with "owl art". They each drew their best owl! It was cute to see all the different looking owls on our porch :)
Josh had a little help from his mom, so it was an amazing owl!
After that, the kids (and adults :) made owl pins.

Sarahi wearing her pin!
Maddie and Savannah were so excited to have Aunt Melissa, Charis, and Emma all the way from Arizona at the party!
We were also thrilled to have GiGi fly in from ABQ for the weekend. We had a delightful time together. Gale helped me tremendously preparing for the party. I couldn't have had it all ready to go without her!
We all had fun chatting...

Here's more owl decor on the dinner table.
We had meatballs, strawberry spinach salad, plums from a friend's tree, and chips for dinner.

Owl pinata time! Go Emma!
Savannah was trying her hardest to pull a ribbon out!
Abby pulled the right string and the candy came pouring out!
The ladies looking on!

Abby and Maddie are such sweet friends!
Time for the owl cupcakes!
I was sad that the butterscotch candies melted on these owl cupcakes. They still tasted good. My sister helped me decotare all of these the night before the party. Thank you Melissa- I had fun with you!!
"Happy Birthday to you..."

Mads doing her crazy dance.
Some of the cute kids enjoying dessert.
We opened a few of the presents that night. Thank you everyone for the thoughtful gifts!
Here's the owl party favors.
We had a fun day celebrating God's gift to us in Madison. It is such a joy to be her mom and watch her grow up. My prayer every day is that she would grow into a woman that fears and loves our Lord.

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