Friday, November 30, 2012

Christmas Advent

We're starting a tradition of Christmas advent with the kids this year. We want a way for the girls to anticipate Christmas. We're not just counting down to December 25 so that we can open gifts, but we want to celebrate His birth and the reason He came to earth. 

Here's the little advent house we bought. Each day we'll open a door, read the verse and talk about what it means (on their level). Then there will be a fun activity we do together that day. Some days it will be popping pop corn and playing a game together, another day it might be making a gingerbread house, or making Christmas cookies to give to our neighbors. I'm looking forward to making memories as a family, and focusing on Jesus through this season.

Here's the verses in order:

  1. God made it possible for Mary to be pregnant. Matthew 1:18
  2. An angel talked to Joseph about the birth. Matthew 1:20
  3. The angel said that Mary’s special son will save us from our sins. Matthew 1:21
  4. God had already said that his Son would come in this way.Matthew 1:22–23
  5. Joseph would care for Mary while she was pregnant. Matthew 1:24–25
  6. It was time to register for the population census. Luke 2:1–2
  7. God had promised that Bethlehem would be Jesus’ birthplace.Micah 5:2
  8. Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem to be registered. Luke 2:3–5
  9. Mary gave birth to baby Jesus in a stable. Luke 2:6–7
  10. An angel surprised some shepherds. Luke 2:8–9
  11. “Good news” was announced about a baby who would be a Savior. Luke 2:10–12
  12. Lots of angels joined in praising God! Luke 2:13–14
  13. The shepherds got excited about finding the baby. Luke 2:15
  14. The shepherds visited the special baby. Luke 2:16–17
  15. Everyone was amazed at the baby boy! Luke 2:18–20
  16. The baby was named Jesus. Luke 2:21
  17. The wise men followed a star, looking for Jesus. Matthew 2:1–2
  18. King Herod got concerned when he heard about Jesus.Matthew 2:3–4
  19. The Old Testament had already told about the town of Jesus’ birth. Matthew 2:5–6
  20. King Herod came up with a plan to find Jesus. Matthew 2:7–8
  21. The wise men again found the guiding star. Matthew 2:9–10
  22. The wise men met Mary and Jesus. Matthew 2:11
  23. God warned the wise men to avoid King Herod. Matthew 2:12
  24. Jesus came so we can become children of God! Galatians 4:4–5
  25. Jesus grew up to die on the cross so we can have never-ending life with God! John 3:16–17


Jennifer Clark said...

Thanks for sharing the verses! We do the activities but I love the idea of adding in verses as well.

Ferko said...

I totally saw that advent house at Target today!!! Love it and I love that you guys do that with the girlies!!