Sunday, August 26, 2018

Back to School!

Here's what my desk looked like as I prepared for the school year! 
Butterscotch likes to be right in the thick of it.
I've really enjoyed listening to The Read Aloud Revival "Master's Classes" as I plan this year out. There is great perspective found there.
We are joining a different co-op this year, called Classical Conversations. I'm pretty excited about all that the kids (and I) will learn this year. Each week we have new memory work in these subject areas: Math, English, Latin, Geography, Science, History, and Timeline. The kids also do either fine arts or music appreciation at co-op as well as a science experiment. After the Foundations work in the morning, Maddie takes an afternoon class called Essentials where she will be studying Grammar, Writing, and Math. The younger two will be in an exercise class during that time. I'm thrilled about this part of our schooling as well as our other curriculum. God provides exactly what we need, when we need it. I see His hand leading this schooling journey, and I'm so thankful for all He's teaching me. When I'm most dependent on him, I see Him at work even more!
 One of those specific ways of seeing Him at work, are these prayer boxes. I had wanted to buy some cute prayer boxes for the girls that I had seen, but didn't think I should spent the money. THE NEXT week, a friend made these prayer boxes for the girls and even put several requests (with verses) written on the paper in the box. How much more precious to see God give a desire of my heart, and make it so personal?! He is a living and active God. The girls have been using the boxes every day during our Bible time. They have each thought of an area of growth, found a verse on that topic, and have committed to praying that God would help them battle their own sinful desires. This goes along with the devotional book I'm reading them called  God's Battle.
I'm so thankful I get to teach these girls. God has certainly done a work in my heart to make me excited about home schooling. These girls are precious gifts, and I look forward to another year of developing our relationship with the Lord, each other, and a love for learning.
 Second grade.
 Fourth grade
My desk and some of our curriculum.
The girls were excited to make their own lunches to bring to co-op.
 First day of co-op!
My favorite things are...
Geneva- gymnastics, singing, ballet, pancakes
Savannah- singing, dancing, washing dogs (now that's funny because she's never done that :)
Maddie- gymnastics, soccer, swimming
   And our school mascot- Butterscotch!

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Summer Fun...

This summer has flown by- I can hardly believe that we started school this week! Here are a few photos from the last week or so of summer fun...
 While the moms went on a little trip together, the dads had a special camp out with their daughters. The girls had a blast!!
 The moms had a great trip to Myertle Beach- I'm so thankful for these friendships rooted in our love for Jesus. Our conversations deepened our love for the Lord, encouraged our marriages and our parenting. I'm so thankful for friends that love the Lord and strive to serve Him with their lives and that we can just laugh together.
 Maddie spent a day riding roller coasters with friends at Six Flags.
 After a funeral of a faithful godly man in our church, we spent some talking about eternal life, what to live for, and how to honor God with our lives. The girls were listening and interacting on the topic so well. Jesse and I want to teach them to live with eternity in view. "For me to live is Christ and to die is gain" Phil.1:21. 
 Savannah made homemade ice cream with Miss Penny!
 We decoupaged boxes with our friends. The kids love getting crafty from time to time.
 Our day at the lake was amazing! 
We are so sad to say goodbye to the Knox family, but happy for their new adventure.
And bowling- these kids were amazing! 
I think we only got the ball stuck about 3 times on the bumpers. HAHA!