Saturday, August 31, 2013

Back To School Life

 While Maddie is at school in the mornings, Savannah and I have had some special time together. Savannah misses playing with her big sister, so she's always asking, "Mommy, you "flay" (play) with me?" It's super cute, but at the same time she's learning to be a little more independent at times. 
Yesterday Savannah was a big help in the kitchen! We had a friend come over and we made scones for her. Savannah has one hand in the bag of Craisins and snacking, while the other hand is helping! She loves wearing an apron and jewelry!
Here's Maddie in class with some of her new friends having snack.
 Since it was back to school week, we had a party in the neighborhood to celebrate! Jesse BBQed, everyone brought a side, and it was a blast!

One of our neighbors brought a school bus cake to celebrate!  Here's some of the kids we could round up!

 The kids played with a corn hole game, jumped on the trampoline, and played pretend throughout the cul de sac while the parents talked. We really love living in this neighborhood. God is so good!

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