Sunday, December 21, 2014

ICS Grandparent's Day

  Maddie was counting down the days until Grandparent's Day! She was so excited.

These cuties were ready to go see their big sister sing!
 Daddy was pointing out where Maddie was to Savannah. 
Savannah was thrilled to see her big sister sing.
 Walking up on stage!
 They all sang so well!


 I love how these sisters love each other.
 They were so happy to be at school together.
Miss Penny, Auntie "L", and Uncle David were all there to participate in the special morning.
Uncle David is so good with the girls!

Maddie and her sweet friend, Reagan.
Here's one of Maddie's writing assignments.
 After the events at school, everyone came back to the house for lunch. 
Auntie "L" took all these great pictures :)
 The girls wanted to show off their baking skills.

God has been so good to bring people in our lives here in VA that love our family so unselfishly. We have been blessed beyond what I could have imagined before we moved almost 3 years ago. Of course, we miss our family dearly that is spread all over the US, but we see God's kind hand in providing us with a church family. 

1 comment:

  1. Your girls are soo soo beautiful!! Can't believe how big they are getting!! xo
