Thursday, November 12, 2015

Field Trip to Amish Country!

Well, a huge benefit to homeschooling is that we get to take trips whenever we want (kind of :)! It fit in Jesse's schedule to take off 2 days, so went drove a few hours to Lancaster, PA and visited the Amish. The last week the girls and I learned the history, beliefs, family lifestyle, livelihood, and traditions of the Amish. 
Our first stop was at the Amish Village. Here we took a tour of an Amish home and farm. Here are the girls driving the buggy!
I wouldn't trust this bunch on the road!
Geneva really wanted to feed the horses!
We learned what life would be like in a one-room schoolhouse. The Amish don't start school until they are 6 years old and complete their education at eighth grade.
Next, we took a buggy ride. Maddie even got to drive!
One afternoon the 3 of us got to see the Christmas show at Sight and Sound Theatre. It was amazing! The girls loved being at a "real" show.
The next show coming to the theatre is Samson- so the girls had to take goofy pics.
So strong.
I loved driving around the countryside- so beautiful!

We got to be turkeys at the Turkeyhill Factory.
We had a great time (all except Neva) learning about how ice cream is made. We even got to create our own flavor, design a carton, and make a commercial!
We stopped at a home where they make and sell delicious root beer and jam.
The girls also got to see their animals.
One of our highlights was going to the Choo Choo Barn. 
There was an incredible display of model trains!
Geneva kept holding her tummy- she said she was scared of the trains! Ha.

Then we rode the oldest continuously running locomotive in the U.S.
The girls got to ride in the engine area- it was super loud!

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