Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Joy in the Midst of Difficulty

As we look around at our world, there is pain and brokenness due to the fall of man. It doesn't surprise me that COVID 19 exists--or cancer, for that matter. Death and suffering are part of this earth, as Christ could well attest to. He bore our sin, He was scourged for our rebellion, He was mocked for our transgressions, He was put to death to pay the perfect sacrifice for our sins. So as we put our busy schedules on pause during this Palm Sunday weekend during lockdown, I marvel at how Christ was aquatinted with grief, yet overcame the grave. He did all of this because His will was the Father's will and because it ultimately brings Him more glory because now there is a perfect and complete payment for reconciliation between God and man. The Rescuer completed His task under the severest conditions, and has set an example for how we are to live. In light of what He suffered, we can not complain- we have challenges, but nothing like that of Christ's. I am overwhelmed at His goodness. As I've spoken with Christians that are suffering this week- whether from isolation, loss of a loved one, COVID 19 symptoms racking their bodies, or other painful diseases...whatever the case may be; I hear hope coming from these individuals because they have placed their trust in Christ. Even though this world can be filled with trials, we have a confidence that Heaven will be filled with perfect communion, joy, and worship. So, we fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our Faith and keep running the race.
Part of the beauty of fait in Christ is that we can rejoice, even in a world where suffering abounds. Easter weekend is a perfect example of this. We rejoice because there is resurrection after death, there is joy after pain.
Along those lines, here are some ways we celebrated Palm Sunday...
 Jesse even helped with making the croissants!

 These sweet girls wanted to dress up for Palm Sunday, even though we watched the on-line service in our basement!

 Our children's ministry is amazing, and had a drive through pick up your palm branches and Resurrection family activity pack.
 Savannah's "Potato Man" even waved Palm branches!
 Savannah asked for some "property". She has a vision for a fairy garden and a spot for a few vegetables. 

 Here it is!!
After all the work in the sun, we had a bit of a water gun fight!

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