Saturday, June 20, 2009

Eleven Months

Madison is indeed 11 months old! This will be the last basket picture- good thing because I couldn't get her to stay in it for more than 10 seconds! Our little Peanut is such a joy to us. We thank the Lord for this gift of 11 months, and pray for her continued heath, growth, and a soft heart towards God's Word at an early age.
Well, this picture sums it up- she's always on the move! Maddie is crawling, standing, cruising, bouncing, and dancing every awake moment. She's keeping me busy- just recently I pulled a piece of GLASS out of her mouth. We were hanging out by a pool, and in a matter of seconds she found it, and pop, put it in her mouth. She weighs around 18 pounds, and is wearing size 12 months! She eats almost everything (doesn't like the texture of melon). We can tell she's really growing up now, because she's outgrown most of her toys- the teething rings and rattles don't excite her anymore. She's into things that light up, make music, and move. Maddie has about 8 teeth. She laughs a lot and loves people. We are working on sitting still for a meal and not making loud fusses when something displeases her- that's a fun one in public! Her favorite stuffed animal is her "Dog"- she gives him hugs and squeezes! She also loves story time and flips through board books on her own. Jesse and I were just saying last night that we can't wait to hear what's going on in her mind- I"m sure we will not before long!

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