Thursday, July 14, 2011

Our Little Crop

As you may remember, a few months ago we planted a little garden at our new home. We have been loving on this garden since then- watering, weeding, pruning, killing tomato worms, putting in stakes to support the growing plants, and now harvesting! We've had quite a lot of green beans- delicious. We've picked them several times, and new ones grow back quickly. The tomatoes are just turning red, so it's time for me to make tomato sauce with the Roma ones...yum. We've had just a few strawberries and cucumbers. The peppers are about to turn red, so they should be ready for picking soon. The herbs are just growing out of control! Today I made peach sun tea with some of the mint leaves- excited to try it! It's been a fun project to keep up with as a family. Jesse has a green thumb, that's for sure. A funny tid bit on him...he used to do lawn care before he moved to Cali and went to seminary. So he's a professional.


  1. I can't believe strawberries grew there. That is cool.

    Thanks for watching the girls and the garden while I'm gone babes!

  2. I wanted to start a little garden on our patio...until I read "worms"...

  3. Wow you do have a lot of veggies! Thats Awesome!
    With our home grown tomatoes we make pico de gallo or soup! :D
