Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Do You Ever Feel Like You're Missing the Meaning of this Season?

Christmas is only 10 days away! We are in the thick of it, and I don't know about you, but sometimes this time of year seems so distracting to my walk with the Lord. There's baking, shopping, wrapping, traveling, parties, crafts, concerts, and all the rest. I found this post at Desiring God that has helped me think through this season. I highly suggest you take a few minutes to stop and read it. In short- worship God and be joyful in Him as you "do" all the things on your list!


  1. Thanks for sharing. That was perfect timing, in light of what we were just talking about yesterday!!! So thank you sooo much! I'm going to post that on my blog a few days since I just posted something else really good on there. love ya!

  2. Oh and Happy 15th if you know what I mean! (:
