Friday, August 17, 2012

Neighborhood Parties and Train Rides and Walks

One of the kids in the neighborhood turned 13, so we had a little birthday bash for her. These are the kids Maddie and Savannah play with every day in the cul-de-sac...we love them!
 The kids had a water balloon flight!
 Savannah's first corn dog :)
 All the kids ate in the back of a pick up truck. You'd think we lived in the sticks!
 On our family day this week we took a train from DC to Baltimore.
 Then we walked to the water and ate ice cream for lunch!!
 Um, I think she's cute.
 Today we went for a walk with the Pinkleys in DC by the Tidal Basin.
We played London Bridges Falling Down!
 My girls.
We've had lots of fun this summer with Grandma Young, and we're sad to see her go back to Macedonia next week.

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