Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Crams are Here!

My Aunt Jennifer, Uncle Kenny (my girls call him "Uncle Funny"), Sarah, and Rebecca came to visit this week. We've had lots of fun together these last 5 days!
Here's Sarah and Becca opening their Christmas gifts.
Everyone helped with decorating the ginger bread house.
Aunt Jennifer read Maddie one of her new books. Daddy helped with one of the voices.
We went out for a brisk walk one afternoon.
We dressed all warm.
Becca brought back t-shirts for the girls from the zoo.
The girls have Cinderella dolls, PJ's, and then watched the movie with their cousins and aunts.
We watched it snow and ate waffles one morning.
Maddie ate snow!
Our yard looks so different with a white ground.
Thanks for coming Crams! We'll miss you.


  1. Kira likes the girls' Cinderella gear. She also got a Cinderella nightgown and doll for Christmas!

  2. Love that they both have Cinderella outfits and dolls :)) And that picture of them sitting by the Christmas tree is soooo cute - I love it!!
