Friday, February 27, 2015

More Snow and Fun with Friends

This has been a fun-filled week! We've enjoyed being back to good health and made the most of it. The girls have had fun playing outside in the snow and we've been able to get together with friends. I'm so thankful how God reminds me every so often to be thankful for our health and not take that for granted. Waking up throughout the night to care for little ones, cleaning up "you know what", and running to the ER with troubled breathing has been our past month. I've been learning how to love sacrificially. It's pretty easy to love people when it's not messy and you feel well rested and loved in return; but it's a whole other ball game when life is challenging. I've been convicted of my need to die to self, take up my cross, and serve in the mundane with joy. Being a mom is teaching me so much. My Heavenly Father has been graciously showing me my moment by moment need for Him, need for forgiveness when I loose patience, and grace when I get frustrated because I'm getting nothing "accomplished". Ha! All the while, He is accomplishing His good work in me. I need to be refined and it's happening. 
Thank you, Lord.
So, on to the cute kids...
  Geneva loves having our picnic table in the house to stand on so she can see outside!
Snow day! Maddie was able to stay home from school one day this week.
So pretty. We went for a little walk in the yard and saw the fox, 3 deer, and 2 owls. Pretty cool.
This week we have officially lived in VA for 3 years. The Leaches were so kind to take us out to a delicious dinner to celebrate. Unfortunately, David is missing from the picture- he was kind enough to get the car for us! We are very thankful for all that God has done in our lives over that last 3 years. 
But, that's for another post.
Miss Penny came over one day and played in the snow with Savannah!
Snow angels!
I love you, Olaf!
One day we had the Foxes over for a play date. These two had a blast!
  Silly Savannah. Yup, she's eating snow in a wedding gown and rain boots. She couldn't help but run out to say goodbye to the Pinkstons as they left.
 Girls night at Chick Fil A!
 What a fun night with these ladies. They even got goodie bags with candy, necklaces, and free milk shakes. 
 See our photo bomb friend? This kid was hilarious!

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