Monday, October 5, 2015

There's No Way This Baby is Two...

My sweet baby is 2 years old. Yikes. The days are flying. I sure am thankful to God for blessing us with Geneva Joy. She brings such spunk and life to our family. Her older sisters adore her- even "fight" over who can help her eat or sit next to her during meals. It's wonderful to see how God planned for us to have Geneva in our family. She makes me loose my mind sometimes- she's a daredevil- always on the move, climbing (outside the stair railing or up on a counter without help), coloring with markers somewhere other than paper, getting the scissors out, or escaping outside. She makes us laugh and gives us great JOY. So thankful for God's good gift in Geneva. We pray He will continue growing her up in health, God's wisdom and love, and into a woman that fears Him and desires to obey Him with all her heart. May her passion be directed towards giving glory to God!
 Goofy girl. We had a couple of Geneva's friends over for a baby-themed party. 
She loves her baby dolls! We ate BABY back ribs, BABY potatoes, BABY greens, and BABY corn.
 Geneva and her friend Landon. Too cute.
 We had a race to see who could drink a baby bottle the fastest- it was incredibly hard!!
The dads were hilarious to watch!
 We also played a relay game where the kids had to dress a baby (including a diaper), and then the next person went. Super fun!
 Cute little friends.
 Can you believe these cookies?! Such detail! 
Thank you Penny for making the most delicious sugar babies!
 Oh yes, and she made a crib with a blanket, pillow and paci,  tiny shoes and a rug. 
It was beautiful!
 Cute sisters! Maddie said, "She looks like such a big 2 year old today!"
 Thanks Miss Penny- they are delish!
 Neva loves her new baby toys- thank you everyone for coming!
 We went to church on her birthday. Thanks Grandma for this adorable new outfit!
 Her sisters gave her the new sparkle shoes :)
 Pumpkin pancakes, spiced whip cream, and bacon for lunch!
We love you, Geneva!!
Poor little Neva has had bronchitis and a sinus infection this last week. I new she hasn't been feeling well. I just took her in today for her "well check" and got those results. Please pray she heals quickly.

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