Sunday, December 11, 2016

Christmas is Here...

 We all know that December is busy with parties, presents, and people; but most important is our focus on Jesus Christ who came to rescue us from our sin. We've been having a sweet time remembering our Savior amidst the craziness. We still get busy and have lots to do, but as we walk in the way we remind ourselves and our kids why we're doing what we're doing. We do treasure the quiet down times of prayer, Bible reading, and good conversations. 
 My sweet loves.
We went to see a Christmas water show with some friends.
Baby, it's cold outside!
 I was able to go away for a weekend with some friends to hear Rosaria Butterfield give her testimony at Liberty University. It was moving to hear how she's living boldly for Christ in a world that celebrates everyone living just as they feel.
 Geneva's always my comic relief!
 Day off of school= jump house fun!
 We had a great time decorating our house the day after Thanksgiving- our family tradition. 
 We started advent with the girls. Jesse and I giggled as they showed up with with a pig, cat, and raccoon mask!
 One evening Jesse and I went with a bunch of friends to the Kennedy to hear Keith and Kristyn Getty for "An Irish Christmas". I highly recommend buying their music!
 Maddie was angel in her class's Las Posadas.
 After our church's Christmas concert, we had a few friends over for dinner and fellowship.
These kiddos are adorable playing BINGO. 
So thankful for Miss Penny and her love for us!

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