Sunday, September 6, 2009

Fun Places

I am so thankful we in live in a place with so many fun places to go! Here are a few we visited this week...
The other day a friend gave us free passes to the Huntington Library. We loved it- even though it felt like 120 degrees outside.
Playing in the kids area.
On Saturday we got up and out early. We were at the beach by 8am. Jesse and I rode our bikes about 10 miles along the beach. What a gorgeous day!
So, I love this picture for a few reasons. 1. Maddie is chewing on my bike tire. 2. Her outfit. Jesse dressed her this morning, and said, "Babes, it's pink and brown. That goes, right?" Hmmm...maybe stripes and polka dots will be the new fad! I had to keep her in it- too funny!
A little picnic on the beach.

She loves chasing birds.
If you're at the beach, you got to get wet, even if you don't have your suit.
And Papa and Mimi's house is one of our very favorite places to go! Papa played blocks on the floor for a while- so adorable!


  1. LOVE the pink/brown outfit! But I am a bit jealous of the heat. Next year we'll be there for the missions conference. Summer is over here and this year I'm more sad about it than I remember being before. We're all starting to bundle up!

  2. I don't think I knew it was "Papa and Mimi". That's what my parents are. FUN!
