Sunday, September 13, 2009

This is the Day the LORD Has Made....

This weekend was filled! Friday night was the annual CSUN Ladies Event kick-off, Saturday morning was the annual Women Walking Wisely Tea, Saturday afternoon was the beach, and Sunday was a wonderful day at church
(in there were several soccer games Jesse reffed, too).
Here are some of the girls who were able to come. We are delighted to have another year at CSUN Bible Study! The Lord has been so gracious- we are blessed to be a part of it. It sure is growing- 60 or 70 attend regularly. It's neat to see who God brings every week. We are thrilled to see God saving some of the students on that campus through this ministry! We have retreat next weekend...
At girls night we just hung out, had snacks, painted nails, and I gave my testimony. I love sharing how God has saved me from my sin. It's good to remind myself that I was dead, BUT because of Christ's grace I'm alive to righteousness! (Ephesians 2:1-10). It was good to remember how God has led in my life. A huge lesson I have learned repetitively is contentment. I love the definition from one of my favorite books The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment, "Christian contentment is that sweet, inward, quiet, gracious from of spirit, which freely submits to and delights in God's wise and fatherly disposal in EVERY condition." After thinking through God's goodness in teaching me to be satisfied in Him, our pastor, John MacArthur, preached on contentment Sunday night! You can listen to it here later this week.
Some more of our sweet gals.
Women Walking Wisely is the ministry that my mom leads out of Faith Builders (my dad's Sunday class). She has been leading this ministry for 20 years! I have learned so much from my mom's faithful service to the ladies. Saturday morning was the annual tea, and the theme was "Beauty in the Ashes". These four women shared how God has used different trials to make them more like Christ. One had her house burn down, one has had emotional struggles, one had a battle of loneliness, and one is currently undergoing radiation because she has breast cancer. All these ladies testified to how they trust in Christ, and are being refined in their walk with Him. It was a precious time of hearing God's faithfulness.
My cute parents- Dad stopped by the tea to see Mom.
This weekend was filled- how thankful I am to see God at work in so many lives, and receive such excellent teaching. "This is the day the LORD has made, let us rejoice, and be glad in it!"
Psalm 118:24

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for all the "extras" in this post. Going to download the sermon to listen to during evening chores!
