Friday, November 13, 2009

Dates with Daddy

One of my favorite things these days is seeing Madison and Jesse together. It is precious to see how much she loves her Daddy (and how much Daddy loves Maddie). I just have to say that Jesse is such a great husband and father. He takes Maddie on a daughter date every other Thursday morning, while I get to meet with Kim Holland. It is a treat to talk with her about things I'm thinking through- she has such wisdom. During those times, Jesse does something special with Madison. I asked him last time to take the camera because I want to spy on them during their time together. Some places they have gone are: the pet store, parks, hiking, ice cream shop, watched soccer highlights, and more.
Here they are hiking at O'Melvany Park.
Maddie loves playing in cars.
I am so thankful for Jesse- what a fun Daddy he is!

1 comment:

  1. Yea for dads that take a special interest in their daughters-love it! And in the first pic is a Deidre double!
