Saturday, November 14, 2009


This morning the three of us decided to follow my friend Karen's advice and do Montrose. We started out at Berolina Bakery for a pastry (which was amazing). Then we headed over to the Farmer's Market in town. Here is Maddie walking along with her slinky.
This cute jacket is from Grandma. Deb sent this for Madison's birthday. It's got little rine-stones all over and adorable pink fringe. As you can see, the back has bull horns on it (Grandma is from Colorado). Her blinged jacket fits her perfectly now!
Then we headed to the park where Maddie was able to climb, swing, and slide.
Aw! What a good Daddy.
After that we headed over to Once Upon a Child (a used kids store). I was able to sell some of my old teaching books and some items Mads no longer uses and made $48 (I did spend $30 of it on things she needed). Love those deals.
Here we are now at Schreiner's, a German deli, where we had amazing sausage sandwiches for lunch. As you can see, Maddie is kicking back enjoying the ride. It didn't take her more than 2 minutes to fall asleep once we got in the car!
Here is my silly girl wearing my hat! Lately she is enjoying trying on my shoes and hats. She even tries to help me clean and cook. I love this age! (It does come along with a strong will:)

1 comment:

  1. love her! can we arrange our kids marriage.....i want her as my daughter too!
