Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Dinner for Eight

Our Bible Study did dinners for 8 a couple Friday nights ago. We hosted one, and gave it the theme "breakfast for dinner". Everyone came in their sweats, brought their favorite stuffed animal, and a portion of the breakfast we made into dinner. It was so fun!
We played a game to start out the night where everyone had a different name on their back. You had to ask yes and no questions in order to guess who you were. Madison never guessed she was Dr. Seuss, but had fun with the game anyways!
It took Jesse a while to guess that he was Pink Panther.
It was a fun night of getting to know a few of the members of our study better. About 30 people signed up to do this event. So we picked names from a hat and a group was sent to one of three different homes. After we ate, we played a few more games, and just sat around and talked.
The guys getting seconds and thirds :)
Our table was filled with pumpkin pancakes, whole grain pancakes, toppings, eggs, sausage, bacon, fruit salad, orange juice, and hot drinks.

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