Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Last Couple of Days

The other night I gave Madison this bowl and spoon as I was cooking dinner. She was adorable with it- stirring away, smelling it, and saying "hot"!
Papa and Mimi came over to see the cowgirl.
Here's a picture of what our Johnson Reformation party looked like this year- 11 adults and 3 kids. We had a blast with Rich, Michelle, Andrew, Michelle, Mike, Rachel, Justin, Juli, Josh, and Jesse and me.
All the kiddos!
Dinner was BBQ meat, rolls, sweet potatoes, salad, and root beer, of course.
Hanging out talking about the Reformation :)
Josh was so kind to read Maddie bedtime stories.
This hand-me-down outfit has gone through at least 4 girls! Can you believe it? I love hand-me-downs!


  1. She's such a cutie. I love that she was playing with the bowl and spoon!

  2. She is so cute! I love that she was playing with the bowl and spoon.
