Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Faithful Parent

The Faithful Parent: A Biblical Guide to Raising a Family
I am loving this book! It focuses on the truth that as a Christian parent we are to be "faithful to God's Word by His grace and for His glory". We are called to be faithful in our parenting whether our children are faithful or not. So often we confuse this idea with the one that our children need to behave perfectly- not the goal. The book simplifies the parents' role as having two parts: teaching and disciplining. The kids responsibilities are boiled down to honoring and obeying their parents. After giving basic definitions of our responsibility and the child's, Peace and Scott address specific seasons of the child's life (newborn, toddler....). I've found lots of practical and Biblical advise in these sections. After that, it talks about the ways in which parents provoke their kids- some being: the "guess what rules are for today parent", or the "fear of what my child and others might think parent". I highly recommend this book to parents of all stages- its been helpful to me!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE parenting recommendations from sources I trust like you guys. THANK YOU! Great authors, I'll have to pick this up.
