Saturday, October 2, 2010

Santa Barbara Vacation!!!

We just had the most wonderful time away as a family! This summer was so busy, that we never had a little get away just the three of us, so we thought we'd take our last chance at it before we become a family of four :)

Day 1...
We drove up to Santa Barbara Sunday afternoon. On our way, we stopped for dinner. As you can see, we had leftovers for lunch the next day!
This restaurant is so fun because you eat outside and there's a huge sandbox for kids to play in.

Day 2...
Here's Maddie jumping off the steps of the house we rented. It was so amazing to stay in a HOUSE! I loved having a washer and dryer along with a yard!!
We took right off for the beach Monday was a hot day (in the 100's).
As we played in the sand, a bunch of dolphins swam by.
That night we went to Palazzio's for of my favorite places to eat in Santa Barbara. Jesse wrote down all of the baby names we have thought of on the table cloth...we still can't pick one!

Day 3...
In the morning we went to a playground on a beach where Maddie played. Then we walked through the State Street Farmers Market and ate some yummy peaches.
That evening we walked all up and down State Street and watched the train zoom by..Maddie and Daddy have a love for trains!
Beautiful sunset.

Day 4...
The next day we drove to Solvang for the morning.
Here's Madison sporting the new backpack she picked out.
After some shopping, we had lunch in the park.
That evening we grilled steak for dinner. We enjoyed just hanging out together in the backyard and hunting spiders down.
Before the night was over, we took a walk to the best ice cream place in Santa Barbara...McConnells.

Day 5...
We woke up and walked down to the Daily Grind for some delicious muffins and a blueberry breakfast shake.
Then we headed to the beach one last time to play in the waves.
Our little girl loves exploring!
Watching the waves with Daddy. She really is a Daddy's girl. The whole time we were away she wanted Daddy to read her stories before bedtime.
We drove through Ojai on the way home and stopped at Boccali's. This is one of our favorite pizza places.
I'm so thankful to the Lord for giving us this sweet time away as a family. We loved every minute of it!


  1. that looks like an amazing time away!!

  2. We went to Boccali's last Saturday (Sept. 25)! They do have the best pizza! I think I would drive all the way to Ojai for it! :-) Looks like you had a great little vacation!

  3. So wonderful! I am so glad you guys were able to get that time together. Ohhh how i miss Palzzios and Biccalis! And the beach!

  4. Wow, that would pretty much sum up the perfect vacation that is "local".

  5. SO glad you got to have some time as a family! Have been praying for you and all that lies ahead. Started an email last week...will get back to it soon:)

  6. What a GREAT trip!! So happy for you guys. SB is one of our favorite places to visit.

  7. Jesse's eating pizza with a fork? Seriously? I am so impressed. Looks like a great getaway. Can't wait to meet the "fourth" in your family of four. Love, Mom
