Monday, November 1, 2010

CSUN Reformation Party

Here's our cute little ladybug ready to party with the college CSUN Bible Study!

Daddy came home from work while we were outside taking pictures. She always gets so excited to see Daddy!
Madison LOVED being dressed up :) Here's just a few of the other great costumes from the night...
Mario Brothers
The cute Crayolas!
From the movie UP
A couple hours into the party, Maddie managed to get all of her favorite parts of other peoples' costumes! She is now a ladybug wearing a Crayloa hat and a fish floaty!
Karina was kind to walk laps around the pool with Maddie.
The party was so fun...we had it at one of the student's beautiful home and everyone contributed yummy food.
After we ate and hung out a while, we took a fun Reformation quiz.
Here's everyone gathered around the fire pit as Jesse gives the answers to the quiz and talks a bit about the history of the Reformation.
At one point, Maddie ran over to Jesse and asked him to stop talking- I think she wanted his attention!
Then we sang a few songs around the fire.
Time for the traditional pumpkin carving contest!
Very creative!
Here's a few of the other pumpkins...the winners of the contest will be announced this week at Bible study.
Maddie was so well behaved the whole night! She loved being with all the college students- she just loves them. There was also a little dog at the house that she fell in love with. We didn't get home until 11:45pm that night, and then she finally crashed!

1 comment:

  1. awww... i always enjoy the videos!! they crack me up every time!! she is such a cutie pie, especially last thursday.
