Thursday, November 4, 2010

CSUN Baby Shower

A few weeks ago our college CSUN Bible Study gave Jesse and I a co-ed baby shower. For most of the guys, this was their first shower ever! We had a fun time with everyone- here's some of the pictures from the morning...
Here's most everyone that was able to come. Thanks for hosting, Karina!
We ate some yummy snacks.
And visited together for a while.
Then the games began...we played quite a few! The first was a name game where you picked some one's name and then gave them a nickname.
For the next game, we passed 8 brown bags around, each labeled with a number. By feeling the object in the bag we had to guess what kind of a baby item it was (for example: baby pin, band aid, or hand sanitizer).
Then we had the milk chugging game- who could drink the mink from a bottle the fastest. Jesse said it was actually really hard and he had much more of an appreciation for all it takes babies to eat! Maddie wanted to be a part of this one :)
The next game was a matching one, where you had to match the Biblical mother's name to her child's name. It was actually quite challenging!
We were able to use our Bible for this game.
Drew and Sarah
Anna and Allen
Then it was time for gifts...I loved seeing how the guys wrapped or didn't wrap their gifts :)
When it came time to tear open the bows, we had a large knife...not something you see when it's just girls at a shower.
Karina and Hannah played with Maddie all morning :) She loves these girls!
Madison loved the shower party favors...ring pops!
Steve and Holly were really thoughtful to give Mads a little doggie since all the other gifts were for the baby. She has slept with it ever since!
Thank you CSUNers for all you did to shower us with your love!!!

A little baby update...I'm 38 weeks now, so only 2 weeks until my due date. I'm starting to feel really tired. I find myself needing to do a little less than I have been. We are so excited about this little girl's arrival! We'll keep you posted when the big day arrives :) You can be praying for a safe delivery, and that we find an affordable home to rent in the area.

1 comment:

  1. So Soon! Congratulations. Can't wait to hear. Hope you're able to rest and get those feet up, Deidre =)
    Jeremy & Meg
