Sunday, November 21, 2010

Just the Three of Us

Here we are dropping Maddie off at my parents' house to spend the night because tomorrow we have a 7am appointment to be induced! It's exciting to think we'll meet Savannah tomorrow, but I must admit I'm a little emotional about the days of just the three of us coming to a close. God is so good to bless us with Madison, and we are confident Savannah will be an added blessing to Team Johnson. We look forward to being a family of four now :) Madison is excited about having a baby sister. She talks about helping me, holding the baby, and wants to be a big sister. Can't wait to see the two of them together!
A little Mommy and Maddie time reading Fish out of Water (one of her favorite Dr. Seuss books) in "the big bed" as she calls it.
Daddy and Maddie love reading the Story Bible together- some of her favorite ones to hear are: The Happy Daddy (Prodigal Son), Tummy story (Jonah), Noah (the Flood), Bad Men (story of the Pharisee's not forgiving the sinful woman who came to Jesus with the perfume).


  1. Good Morning. You will be in my prayers this morning as you prepare for Savannah to arrive. Lots of love,

  2. What a handsome family! Jesse in a tie? And the zophran must have helped Deidre: she looks as beautiful as Madz. Can't wait to meet Savannah Grace! Will she be Savvy Grace or Vannah? Either way, she'll be blessed to be a part of the Johnson family. We're on pins and needles!

  3. I was just thinking about you today and was praying for you and your delivery if it had not yet come. I will be praying for His mercies along the way and that Maddie has a great time at your parents.
