Thursday, September 28, 2017

Lots of Fun Happening Here This Fall!

 We were so happy to have Aunt Jennifer visit us. Maddie did some weaving while Aunt Jennifer crocheted. The two of them are little crafters!
 We made puppy pancakes using nutella for Sunday lunch. 
 Can you tell how thrilled they were?!
 Aunt Jennifer did some school with us- right up her alley since she's been a teacher for many years.
 The super héros were sad to see her go. We had a great visit! 
Bat Girl, Super Girl, and Super Woman all flew off to co-op!
 We went on a field trip apple picking with our friends the Azers and Pinkstons!

 Yum, yum! We've made several apple crisps already! 
 These girls love long dresses and they love to match. These are the days! :) 
 We also took a fun day at Cox Farms!

 Hot hay ride!

 Everyone loved the slides.

The kids loved watching the farm animals.
What a fun day with friends!

What an unusually hot day for VA!
So, we cooled off with some ice cream!

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