Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Happy Birthday, Geneva!

Geneva Joy. She certainly brings joy to those around her! 
She's full of life and has quite a sense of humor. 
 Neva is loving preschool these days, and she asks for more math pages!
   I guess she likes fave painting!
 She LOVES her glider bike! She's rides every day and is a speedy little thing.
Sleeping beauty on the beach!
 And sometimes she has to clean the walls after she does her own artwork on them :)
 She has a flare for style!
 My little apple picking buddy. 
  My brown eyed girl!
Oh yeah! She's a little swimmer, too.
Neves, we love you and are so thankful that God gave you to us. We're praying that as you continue to grow, that your love for Jesus will grow deeper.
Happy fourth birthday, my bitty boo. Dinner request: salmon. 
Dessert request: chocolate chip cookies!

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