Our family loves Hannah Pedraza for many reasons. She's a sweet friend and part of the CSUN study. Madison gets so excited when she babysits, and I get so thrilled when she takes pictures of the girls. She's the talented photographer who took all these pics. I just love how they came out!
Madison: 2 1/2 years. Savannah: 2 weeks.


Ha! Attitude already :)

Here's Madison "helping" Mommy unwrap Kisses to put on top of the peanut butter cookies. I turned around to find a bunch of the chocolates gone! Where could they be?!
Awwww....lil Savannah is soo cute!! And hahaha to Maddie's face in the last picture!! Love you guys!
We all send kisses!!! Brighton can't wait to meet her new friend! The D's
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