We have so much to be thankful for in Christ! He's given us forgiveness of our sins, and made us heirs to His Heavenly kingdom! What a marvelous thought that is. As a child of His, that is enough- to be made right with God is more than we could ever do. But, God doesn't stop there is giving His children good gifts. He gives us so much more! I've been studying Ephesians, and I'm constantly blown away with God's abundant kindness towards us! One of the ways He displays His kindness is through the church, which is built on Him as the cornerstone. This body of believers is to encourage, challenge, love, forgive, serve (and the list goes on) one another. As a family, we love being at church and being with those who belong to the body of Christ. This weekend we were served by so many, and I'm sure their service was unto the Lord! Here are some pictures from our move and some of those who have helped in the process...

Mary wrapped all of my breakable kitchen items very carefully...not one broke in the move!!
Brianne and Joyce helped with packing a million boxes! They thought they hit the jack pot when they found all our old photo albums :)

Savannah napping in the middle of it all :)
About 12 guys came from our CSUN Bible Study and loaded and unloaded the U Haul.

Bethany played with Madison all day, and both seemed to love it!
Jessica and Kaitlyn helped unpack at the new house. Here's our backyard!

Rachel helped organize the kitchen.
Thank you to all those who were apart of helping us move!
your place looks fantastic!
Outstanding! What a blessing! I love the backyard. So happy for you guys.
hurray for a backyard and laundry! :) That's awesome. I grew up in Chatsworth! So fun.
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