We have just been so busy running from one thing to the next lately! Every day has been filled and we've been going so many places each weekend. I'm trying to capture some of these moments as we go, so here's a bunch of catch-up photos!
We've been having fun setting up our new home! When Jesse put up Savannah's crib, Maddie asked to cuddle with Savvy inside- too cute!
Daddy has been very busy, so here he is napping with Savannah!
Last weekend we went to Escondido for the Foundations singles group retreat. Jesse taught on evangelism. It was really fun to be there with my friend Michelle, who has two boys just about the same age as our two girls. We had lots of time to talk and play with the kids!
Weston and Maddie taking a break from our walk.
Gabe and Savannah had many naps together!!
Savannah giggling with my dad in our new living room.
Mads sound asleep in the midst of 3 people talking and taking pictures in her room! I think she's tired :)
We were excited to have my Aunt Jennifer and her daughter Rebbecca come all the way from MA to visit us this week! They have been wonderful with the little girlies!
The next day Aunt Dottie flew in and met Savannah. They get along quite well!!

Love this.

Taking bear for a little walk.
And today we have our first house guests coming....yes, my sister and her family are driving here from AZ to spend the weekend here visiting our other out of town family. We're excited to all be together, even though it will be crazy!!!! I am thankful to God that He has given me the strength to accomplish every task He has allotted for each day. In my own strength I would fail and be overwhelmed, but with His abundant grace, we are enjoying each moment!!
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