I love the verse: "Blessed be the name of the Lord. He gives and takes away. " Job 1:21 Rachel Drollinger is has been such a dear friend for the last 10 years! We met at the Master's College, have taken road trips to Yosemite and San Diego, lived together, been in each other's weddings, and even had our daughters born on the same day- what sweet memories! The Drollingers are moving to Washington, so today we took the girls out to lunch, and ran a few errands. It was cute how many times we were stopped by people who would ask how old the girls were, and their responses when they heard that they are exactly the same age! The Lord has been so good to give me a friend like Rachel, and I know she's only going away distance-wise, but we will remain close at heart.

We will miss you, sweet Sierra!
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