Karis came as Mini Mouse and Maddie dressed up as a little bunny. They were pretty cute!


This costume was $2 at a second-hand store- what a deal!

Everyone brought their favorite micro-brewed ROOT beer. We had quite a collection (there were more, they just didn't make it for the picture).

Mike and Steve from our CSUN Bible Study.

The Mortons, Yoons, and the Hales also come to celebrate Jesse's favorite holiday: Reformation Day. On October 31 Martin Luther nailed the 95 thesis up on the door in Witenburg, and this marked the beginning of the Protestant Reformation. Jesse loves it because it reminds him that salvation comes through Christ alone, by faith alone. The Johnson family has a tradition every year on October 31- we invite some friends over, have chili and cornbread (and micro-brewed root beer, of course), and everyone shares about how they came to believe in the doctrines of the Reformation.
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