We are so thankful to the Lord for providing us with a house to live in! Right after we started renting this house a month ago, we talked and prayed about wanting our home to be a place where we serve each other, the body of Christ, and show the world God's love. We pray that wherever we move we will always look at our home as God's, and that all of our "stuff" will be used for His glory. We've already had the opportunity to have 2 different families stay with us for different reasons, and we've had many people over to warm our little home. We had a party here for our Bible study and friends to see our new place.
My friend, Pauline, decorated the dessert table- she's so talented! If your interested in hiring an interior designer or someone to decorate for an event, she's the gal!

Pauline found this very cool chandelier to hang on our back porch- I just love it!
Here's Pauline and Aunt Dottie before the house got filled with people.
A few of our college friends.

Hannah built houses with Maddie for quite a while.
Jesse and the guys.

I didn't get very many photos, since I was visiting with people, but these were the few I snapped. Thanks to all of you who came and warmed our home with your presence!
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