Last weekend Jesse and I had a fun evening together at the Seminary Banquet. We made it to the Reagan Library early enough to tour Air Force One (Jesse drove like mad to get there in time for that!) After a walk through, we had fun visiting with friends, like the Pidals (who took this picture- thanks!) We are so thankful for the many friendships we have here! I certainly did not take many pictures, but here are a few...

We ate appetizers overlooking this gorgeous valley.

The sunset was great!

Then we came inside for dinner and sat with our friends...the Hales and

Wait a minute...did you just put a whole post up without one picture of Maddie?!?! Say it isn't so!
The Shadow of Your Wings is perfect for wee ones!! I listened to it over and over when Elijah was born. It also really helped my niece Kerith when she was having chemo:)
No way, Fernando Ortega is amazing live! I've only heard him once live at Grace a long time ago. Man I wish I was there! :) It would have been fun to be at your table! :)
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