After 11 hours of labor, our sweet little Savannah Grace was born on November 22, 2010 at 9:45pm. We couldn't be more thrilled to meet our little girl!
Daddy had a smile from ear to ear until he fell asleep! Here's Savannah getting cleaned up. She weighs 7 pounds and is 20.5 inches long.
Our favorite Dr. Frields- we are so thankful to have him as our doctor!

Here's the sweetie sleeping this morning.
We are so thankful to our Heavenly Father for this precious gift. God is so good to bless us with another daughter. We prayed last night that we would raise her well and be good stewards of the gift He's given us.
Thank you to so many of you for your thoughtful prayers and messages. We are blessed by your love for us. There is so much to be grateful for- God is faithful!
So Savannah is cute and all but you look fantastic for just having a baby! I love all of you and I miss you so much! I can't wait to meet Savannah!
She is so alert! I wondered what her nickname was going to be (despite Jesse's resistance to the whole concept), but I think she's already given us her name: Sweet Savannah!
Robert thinks Maddie will be shortening it to Sannah. We'll see!
Love you guys so much.
Yay! I wish so badly that I could hold her and hug you! I see a little Mad resemblence! I prayed for you yesterday and will continue to do so. I am so happy for you guys! What a glorious blessing! Love you.
yaaaaay!! congratulations!! was thinking of you all day yesterday. so excited for you!!
As we came to see you today Maddie's version of Savannah was "vasannah"!!
So happy to see you all so happy:) :) May the Lord help you to be self-controlled, kind and gentle with both your little girls in the hours and days ahead!
God is indeed faithful after a rough pregnancy! I am sure in the first trimester you never thought you'd see this day...and here you are holding sweet Savannah!
I cannot believe how much she looks like Maddie!! What do you think?
Can't wait to meet her! xoxo
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