Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Getting Outside

I'm a California girl at heart, so being outside is where I belong. I am a wimp with cold weather, I must admit. So, now that we're living in NOVA, we make the most of sunny wintry days in the 30's-40's!! 
 We had a beautiful day at Great Falls over Christmas break. The kids love being outside crawling all over the rocks and getting muddy. So fun. I didn't get any action pictures, just our snack time after the hike. The girls were troopers.
 So was this cutie. She loves looking at all the new things!
 Aw, sisters. The girls could stare at the falls for hours!! 
On a different day Jesse took the girls exploring on the hill behind our house. Geneva crashed. Her head looked like it was going to fall off!!

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