I guess it has been about 2 months since I last blogged. Life always has its changes and seasons. This season seems to be quite busy with little down time. Thanks to Deb for asking, I'm posting some of the events from the last 2 months. God has been faithful through all the little ups and downs. Each day is filled with concerns, pressures, joys, and laughter. I was thinking today how grateful I am that God never changes. I may feel tired or overwhelmed or full of joy and thankful, but no matter how I feel, God is consistent. He's the perfect Father who is always listening and lavishly gives us grace. He's there and His love, forgiveness, and peace is real.
We were given Frozen on Ice tickets for Valentine's Day...what a treat!!
School, school, school!! These girls are certainly growing in all the subject areas. This part of my life keeps me very busy! It's fun and crazy teaching preschool, first and third grade this year.
The girls are LOVING piano lessons!!
Stomach bugs. Both of these precious ones have had it each twice these last two months.
Reep the hamster went the way off all good pets. We sent her on a raft down the creek as Daddy read from The Chronicles of Narnia. So sweet! She is missed.
We had our kitchen re-done! The cabinets were literally falling apart, and the floor was too, so we started that project. We made a make shift kitchen/food preparation area in the dining room. It was an interesting way to live- kind of like camping!
Savannah had to go to the ER due to tripping and cutting her forehead on bricks.
She was a real trooper!
She was a real trooper!
The kitchen re-model is done!! What a huge blessing. I love how it turned out.
It's so wonderful to cook and serve from that room :)
It's so wonderful to cook and serve from that room :)
We went to Bull Run for a field trip with the Jensen's!
Grandpa and GiGi visited for Grandpa's birthday!!
We went to Mount Vernon for a beautiful day!
Grandpa gave engine lessons. Let's just say, I learned quite a bit, too!
We also went down to Old Town Alexandria.
We had a lovely brunch at the Leaches home. We are so glad they came to visit for the week!!

We love the Leaches.

We love the Leaches.
We went to the Capitol Building to pay respects and remember Billy Graham. We enjoyed talking to the girls about living a life that shines forth Christ. That's the impact we want to make on this world. I'd rather people remember Jesus than people remember me. I'd rather have Jesus than anything this world affords today.
And now Maddie and I are doing the Whole30 diet. We're on day 16 and holding fast! Maddie was so precious and asked to do it with me. I'm amazed at her perseverance and self-control to say no to all gluten, sugar, preservatives, and legumes (peanut butter)! We're eating no processed foods- just meat, fruits, and veggies. It's been a good exercise for me to see how much food plays a role in my life. I'm asking the Lord to help me be more self-controlled. It's a lot of work- so much more cooking and so many more dishes to wash!! I do feel healthy, though.
More updates to come...love you all!
More updates to come...love you all!
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