After visiting with the Light/Higgin crew, Maddie and I stayed with the Drollinger family for four nights. Besides the kids getting a little sick, we had a blast together. Rachel and I have been friends since the days of Master's College (past 10 years just about!). I am always thankful for her dear friendship. Little Sierra and Madison seem to be getting off to a great start in their friendship- they really became great buddies over these few days. I had no idea that nine month olds were so social! As you will see in the pictures, the girls were inseparable. Thank you John and Rachel for such a wonderful trip- you were so generous, kind, and fun to be with!

The cute family- John, Rachel, Drew, and Sierra.

Andrew being Andrew! I love this boy.

The girls decided to make dinner for us one night!

Story time!

Rachel got the girlies these cute matching outfits. We went out for a walk at the park- what a beautiful place!

The crew!

They loved talking at the coffee table...

Here they are helping John fix the table.


One day we drove to North Bend- what an adorable little town. Here's the beautiful Snoqualmie Falls.

Can you believe the size of these donuts?!

This bakery has been there since the 1920's! We even got a tour of the kitchen. Here is Andrew taking a peek into the big oven.

Sierra and Madison even needed a diaper change at the same time!

The girls helped Andrew with his chores- bringing in the milk. The Drollingers actually get milk delivered to their house!


It takes two to play the guitar when you're nine months!

Another matching outfit. I think Madison is stealing Sierra's bottle here!

It's looks like they are having an argument, but believe me, they are just having fun!

What good helpers.

We miss you!
Thank you both for coming!!! Jesse we can't wait to see you up here. It seemed so natural to have you here...I mean you seem like you belong here!! Miss you guys!
So, I have to say I'm SO BITTER (and trying hard not to be). We live in NORTH BEND... yes, just 10 min. from Snoqualmie Falls and I was just in George's Bakery this morning (it's a 10 min. walk from my house). Emily (Howe) Selph is here and says "hi" too (they live in Western Washington - Bremerton). Anyhow, NEXT TIME you'd better tell us you're in town. Miss you guys! Meg (from Jeremy & Connor Putman as well).
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