Seventeen of our CSUN gals showed up at Anna's house Saturday morning for instruction on meal planning and a cooking demo. Each girl left with a folder of recipes. We all learned so much and had a blast doing it!

Anna first sat us around talking through how she menu plans, looking at it from a nutritional standpoint. The main idea is to always pray and plan. We can honor God in the way we serve our families!

Then we were brought into her gorgeous kitchen where we had some hands-on lessons.

How to make brownies a *10*! Doctor them up with almond and vanilla extract, some chocolate chips, and chocolate syrup. Yum.
Don't you just love her apron?!

We all listened in attentively- Anna was hilarious and entertaining.

Get those aprons on girls! How to properly chop up veggies for a stir fry.

This stir fry recipe is a keeper.

Then it was naked chicken time! Anna wanted all of us to have the opportunity to get over any skirmish feelings we had a bout raw chicken. Sara hadn't touched one before, so she had the honors!

She said, "Oh, you can hold it like a baby!" We all had a fun time learning! Thank you Anna for your selflessness and generosity. We will benefit from your preparations and instructions.
ooh fun! i want that stir-fry recipe!!
Wish I could have been there. You'll have to share that brownie recipe! I just saw Erica Sanders on Sunday at my church. She was visiting a friend from Master's that lives up here. It was fun to see her.
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