GiGi read Madison a sweet story about bedtime. She fell asleep with no problem that night!

Here is everyone!
Top: Aunt Di, Uncle Mike, Aunt Deb, Homie, Gale
Bottom: Great Grandpa, Great Grandma, Deidre, Madison, and Jesse

Gigi and Grandpa got in late the night before, so in the morning, she came to snuggle with Madison first thing. She had a book that played music- Madison just studied it!

Jesse made us laugh!

After an amazing waffle breakfast, we went for a walk in the brisk Colorado air.

There was some off roading!

When we came back to the house, Great Grandpa and Grandma met Madison.

And fed her.

And doted on her.

Grandpa got in a bunch of hugs. Madison liked his gohtee.

Gigi and Grandpa were so sweet to drive to Denver from New Mexico to see us!

Aunt Deb was also able to meet Madison for the first time. She was so thoughtful and gave Maddie the biggest pink stuffed hippo I have every seen!

We found Great Grandpa on the floor playing with Madison while the rest of us were fixing our burritos in the kitchen!

There was some serious food! Gale brought a car full from home. It was Jesse's favorite- green chili and Frontier tortillas!

Aunt Di and Uncle Mike also met Maddie.

We stayed at their home. They were so hospitable to us- from cozy robes in our room, to getting Madison all her things (pack and play, diapers, formula, etc.) before we even arrived! We just love being there.

Aunt Di was so sweet- she even baby sat Madison while Jesse and I went shopping!

One night they had over 15 people for dinner! It was a full house. That night Madison met her Uncle Bob and Aunt Cindy. They made her laugh!

We woke up the next morning to snow!!!

We got ready and went to church. Madison slept in Grandma's arms the whole service! It was so sweet.

There's Maddie checking out the gohtee!

Before Grandpa and GiGi left, we had them read to Madison and recorded it.

A little Dr. Suess

We all listened in to story time!
Thank you all for making our trip so memorable! We love you.
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